Limb Pickup
The limb pickup is a service provided by the Village on the 1st and 3rd Monday of the month. Try to keep limbs under 4″ in diameter and of a size one person can handle. Place the limbs in the curb lawn or behind the sidewalk with the butt ends facing the same direction. Rose bushes trimmings should be disposed of in the compost storage area. Cut rose bushes into 18 inch or shorter pieces. Please do not put the limbs in the gutter.

Garbage is picked up every Thursday morning. The garbage company is Republic Waste Services, phone # 937-593-3566. Trash bags can be picked up at either the town building, Wagner’s IGA, or North Loramie Drive-thru.

Curbside Recycling
Recycling is done through the Shelby County Recycling Center, which is part of the North Central Ohio Solid Waste District. Recycling is picked up every other Thursday. You may contact the Village Office for a new or replacement recycling bin. Recycling can also be dropped off anytime at the recycling containers at the north end of Tower Drive in the Industrial Park. For more information on our recycling program please visit

Snow Removal
Snow removal will be done as deemed appropriate per village employees. During heavy snowstorms, we asked for your cooperation in removing your vehicles from the street to make removal much easier for our employees.

Mosquito Spraying
Mosquito spraying is done as needed by village employees.

Grass Clipping and Bush Trimming
The Village has a compost storage area at the north end of Tower Drive in the Industrial Park to dispose of your grass clippings and yard waste. Only non-woody material can be disposed of at this location. Please place your clippings and yard waste within the concrete walls as far back as you can. Do not place any waste outside of the walls. This is for Village Residents.