St. Michael's Catholic Church
Mass Times
Sunday – 8:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m.
Daily Mass – Tuesday, 6:30 pm & Wednesday–Friday, 8:25 a.m.

History of St. Michael's Catholic Church
In 1845 services were held in a little blockhouse on the grounds where W. H. Quinlin originally operated his drug store. In 1849, work began on the first brick church. Construction was delayed because of the cholera epidemic, and the church was finally completed in 1851 during the tenure of Rev. Augustin Berger, the first permanent pastor. The church was a plain structure with a tower and belfry containing two bells. An addition built several years later gave the church an overall measurement of 40 by 80 feet. It was later attached to the present church building and is still used today.

The church appears today much as it did 125 years ago with its beautiful carved wood high altar and two side altars. The original bells still toll from the tower to announce Mass and the praying of the Angelus. The pipe organ has been enhanced to over 1,100 pipes, the lighting has been modernized, and in 2007 the heating system was upgraded and air conditioning added. St. Michael’s Church has always been considered one of the most outstanding church structures in the Cincinnati Archdiocese.