Fort Loramie Industrial Park
Your Future Location to Success!
The Fort Loramie Industrial Park has been the pride of the Fort Loramie Community and continues to be very successful in both the growth of successful businesses as well as speculative investments. The Industrial Park, consisting of 127 acres, is located along State Route 66 on the south side of Fort Loramie. There sveral 3.0-3.4 acre lots available and 18 acres available for development that can be subdivided into smaller parcels as needed. There are also incentives available to locate and/or grow your business in Fort Loramie.
For further information, contact the Village Administrator at 937-295-3088 x102.

Fort Loramie Industrial Park Schematic Plan

- 15 Minutes from Interstate 75
- 45 minutes from Dayton International Airport
- Easily accessible (Located on State Route 66)
- Sites available for immediate development
- Utilities in place
– Natural Gas
– Electric
– Village Water
(12” Main, 500,000 gallon Water Tower in the Park)
– Village Sewage Collection (12” Sanitary Main)