Surplus Auction Items
Village of Fort Loramie Selling Surplus Equipment on Internet
For questions about using the GovDeals website, please contact GovDeals at (800) 613-0156. For additional information about the village’s surplus items, please contact the Administrator at or(937) 295-3088 x102.
About GovDeals
GovDeals provides state-of-the art online auction services to governmental entities throughout the United States. Founded in 1999 GovDeals is a division of Informs which has provided custom purchasing and procurement software solutions to government and industry for over 30 years. GovDeals, Inc. P.O. Box 231293 Montgomery, AL 36123 334-277-0372 Fax: 334-277-0557 Toll Free 800-442-5829 e-
Public Notice
In accordance with Ohio Revised Code Section 721.15, the Village of Fort Loramie passed Resolution No. 2018-908 expressing its intent to sell personal property, fleet and equipment assets including motor vehicles that are not needed for municipal purposes and/or are obsolete or unfit for the use for which it was acquired, by internet auction. Pursuant to the term of that Resolution, internet auctions will be conducted according to the rules and regulations of GovDeals.
The auctions shall be conducted on a continuous basis through accessing the Village of Fort Loramie web site located at and double clicking on the GovDeals icon.
The surplus items shall be posted for no less than ten (10) calendar days, including Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays. The Village will also post a notice of such Internet auction on the bulletin board in the Village Office on a continuous basis. A notice will appear continuously on the Village of Fort Loramie’s web site that surplus property is available through Internet auction. All property is offered for sale “As Is, Where Is”. The Village of Fort Loramie makes no warranty, guaranty or representation of any kind, expressed or implied, as to the merchantability or fitness for any purpose of the property offered for sale. The Buyer is not entitled to any payment for loss of profit or any other money damages – special, direct, indirect or consequential, and the Village reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to withdraw from sale of any of the items listed. Bidders may inspect the property prior to bidding. Please read the Online Sales, Terms and Conditions prior to bidding.
Information about bidding on GovDeals may be obtained from GovDeals, Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. ET at (800) 613-0156 or by visiting the village website at or the govdeals website at